Event: Machinery Lubrication I – Reliable Plant Conference
Event Countdown

Event Description
The Reliable Plant Conference & Exhibition, co-located with the Machinery Lubrication Conference & Exhibition, is a 4-day event dedicated to the latest trends and tactics in maintenance and reliability. With expert-led learning sessions, access to cutting-edge tools and technologies offered by over 100 exhibitors, and powerful networking experiences, this is a can’t-miss event for anyone looking to transform their maintenance strategy.
Course Description
Attending Machinery Lubrication I at Reliable Plant Conference is the most value-packed experience on our training calendar – but you might be wondering how you can participate in both events at the same time?
We are giving attendees who register for MLI in Chicago the chance to get ahead by getting FREE access to our Live Online Trainings in January or March. That way, you can spend more time exploring the exhibit hall or popping into other learning sessions without missing key training.
It’s like taking the course twice! Chip away at the course in January or March, and show up to the training in June, prepared.
Machinery Lubrication I (ML I) provides the foundational skillset for applying best lubrication practices and product knowledge. Through ML I, students can move away from the “old school” methods of vague, non-specific lubrication procedures and implement an excellent lubrication program in any industrial workplace. The ML I curriculum is fully aligned with the body of knowledge of the International Council for Machinery Lubrication’s MLT I and MLA I certifications. It also comes with supplemental training materials to ensure knowledge retention.
ML I students gain much more than pointers on lubricating a machine – they learn proven industry methods for selecting, storing, filtering and testing lubricants to boost reliability and generate lasting results in machine efficiency/maintenance. They also acquire better understanding of oil analysis, so they can align their efforts with those of maintenance professionals or oil analysis experts.
What you’ll learn:
- How lubrication affects machine reliability
- Lubrication fundamentals
- Lubricant application best practices
- Storage and handling considerations
- Contamination control
- Essential field inspections
- Much more!
View the Machinery Lubrication I course page for more information.
Event Location
Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel
1551 Thoreau Dr. N,
Schaumburg, Illinois 60173