We can help with your case
Noria is the best place to find world-class lubrication engineers and technical specialists for expert witness services, litigation team support and forensic investigations.
We have extensive experience working with legal counsel on both plaintiff and defense cases and are well-prepared to tackle the most complex cases in our field.
Our Experience
Noria has supplied a range of legal and forensic investigation services related to our expertise in tribology, lubricants, and lubrication
Case Types
- Product Liability
- Patent Infringement
- Business-interruption Litigation
- Industrial Accidents
- Warranty Claims
Services Provided
- Forensic Services
- Technical Advisory and Consulting
- Professional Opinion Letters
- Testifying and Non-Testifying
Technical Fields of Expertise
- Tribology (friction, wear, lubrication)
- Contamination Control
- Lubricants (oil and grease)
- Lubricant Analysis
- Lubricant Formulation
- Lubricant Failure
Machines and Applications
- Automotive
- Aviation and Aerospace
- Turbine Generators
- Motors and Engines
- Bearings
- Gearing
- Compressors
- Hydraulics
- Pumps
- Filters and Separation
Failure Causes
- Contamination
- Lubricant Degradation or Malfunction
- Mechanical Wear
- Corrosive Wear
- Varnish and Sludge
Analytical and Investigative Methods
- Wear Particle Characterization
- Oil and Grease Analysis
- Metallography & Profilometry
- Predictive Technologies
- Hydrocarbon Analysis (FTIR, GC/MS)
- Spectroscopy & Microscopy
- Site Inspections
Noria’s Experts
Noria consultants and experts bring a variety of backgrounds and analytical experience to help clients understand and examine wide-ranging machine failure problems.
- Jim Fitch, Noria’s founder and CEO, is internationally recognized for his deep knowledge in tribology and practical lubrication.
- Wes Cash, our VP of Services, has helped many plants across the globe solve lubrication problems and diagnose failures
- Bennett Fitch, Noria’s President, leads lubrication program development projects for clients as well as development of our LubePM platform.
Contact a Noria expert today
Frequently asked questions
What resources can Noria offer?
Noria brings a unique ability to provide both expert insights and a range of valuable historical data from working in many industries over the years. Resources include:
In-house Subject-Matter Experts
Our full-time staff of technical experts in lubrication and tribology possess multi-disciplinary skills and alternating.
Contract Consultants and Specialists
Dozens of contract technical experts have collaborated with Noria over the years, working on some of the most difficult and challenging projects. Noria is quick to engage these services where such specialized skills and analytical capabilities are required.
Knowledge Warehouse
The world’s largest searchable technical library consists of more than 2,500 technical reference books and more than 50,000 technical papers, articles and reports, all relating to lubrication, tribology, oil analysis and machine reliability.
Case History Database
Noria maintains comprehensive case files of all past failure investigation cases. These are commonly used as reference when working on similar cases.
What types of testing and data collection can Noria help with?
The below list is a sample of topics and areas where Noria has proven alternating and knowledge to offer clients:
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
- Tribological studies
- Lubricant analysis (oil and grease)
- Ferrography and wear particle identification
- Metallography and metallurgy
- Grease analysis
- Filter debris analysis
- Wear particle identification and characterization
- Particle contamination characterization
- Infrared and molecular spectroscopy
- Elemental spectroscopy (ICP, RDE, XRF, SEM-EDS, acid dissolution, etc.)
- Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
- Radiological fluid testing
- Chemical microscopy
- ASTM lubricant performance testing
- In-service oil analysis
- Tribometry and film-strength testing
- Microbial contamination testing
- Aviation and aerospace fluid analysis
- Fire-resistant fluids analysis
- Varnish and sludge analysis
- Contact us for a complete list